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Are you plugged in?

Nate Gernert

No, I am not talking about whether or not your phone, coffee maker or even toaster is plugged in. All of these things do need to be connected to a power source in order to function or recharge. Much in the same way, we as Christian men and women need to be plugged into the Word and a healthy Christian community to function and recharge. If you are already part of a small group where you have developed deep meaningful relationships with those who can lift you up when you need it and drive you deeper in your relationship with Christ, then you are being plugged in. If you are not being challenged to go the 2nd Mile Spiritually, then I invite you to join one of the three groups starting up. I will give you a brief overview of each study to help you decide which one may be for you. Please contact me if you have any questions and if you would like to join in one of these groups. I would be more than happy to get you connected with the leader.

Fathered By God

"There is a path leading to authentic manhood, cut by men who have gone before us, sons following in the footsteps of their fathers, generation after generation. There are perils along the trail, even disasters -- all the more reason to rely on the guidance of a Father who has gone before.

But in an age when true fathers are in short supply, how do you find the path to manhood? How do you steer clear of the dangers?

John Eldredge calls men back to a simple and reassuring truth: God is our Father. In life's trials and triumphs, God is initiating boys and men through the stages of manhood from Beloved Son to Cowboy to Warrior to Lover to King to Sage.

Fathered by God maps out the path of manhood -- not more rules, not another list of principles, not formulas, but a sure path men have followed for centuries before us." This group will be lead by Cory Hickson and Nate Shipley.

Cave Time

"Most men spend their lives desperately searching for purpose—that elusive flame that smolders deep within. Cavetime exists to kindle fire in the hearts of men.

As a man, you are expected to instantly have all the answers. Regardless of your age, you can often become isolated, fearing you won’t measure up. These expectations"... Read more on the official website

This group will be lead by Karry Prichard

Act Like Men

"As goes the man, so goes the family - the church - the nation - and sadly, it is not going well. Every statistic, from porn to paternity, from divorce to detention rates shouts with astounding clarity:" ... Read more on the official website

This group will be lead by Nate Gernert

We will be having a night ride kickoff to these studies on November 17 at 6pm. This will be when you will pick up your book and connect with the rest of your group. Please let me know if you are planning on joining in on a study so that we can make sure that we have a book for you.

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