2018 brought about many stories of people going a "new distance." A new distance looks different for everyone. 2nd Mile Adventures exist to challenge people to go a new distance Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. If you look at the pictures below you will see people who took on physical challenges, overcame mental barriers and grew deeper Spiritually. Our theme for 2019 is Legacy. What kind of a legacy are we leaving behind. Are we leaving a legacy of complacency, or one of accepting the challenge to constantly challenge yourself and continue to grow each year. Around this time of the year people choose a New Year's resolution. A lot of people try to choose something that they will change for the coming 365 days. I am challenging you in a little different way. I am asking you to take on a challenge and goal that you could not attain if it were not for training. What is the "New Distance" that you will go physically, mentally or Spiritually? Once you choose your goal, then there are practices that need to put in place to reach those goals. But never lose sight of the goal itself for the things that we need to do to get there. If we focus on the stuff, it can get discouraging. If we keep our focus on the ultimate challenge and goal, we can push through the struggle of the every day practice that will get us there.
The same applies to our own daily walk. If we lose sight of Christ and His Kingdom, then we can get discouraged with the trials of every day life. Here is step two of the challenge, bring someone with you. Many of the faces that you see in these pictures accepted this challenge because someone else invited them to join. Besides, you will want to company as you train, struggle, and process all that God is teaching you along the way. So what is your challenge? Is it to attempt a distance that you have never biked, hiked or ran? Is it doing that next level Triathlon that you have been dreaming about? Is it a mental challenge like a friend of mine took on? They set out to read 30 books in a year. Maybe it is learning a different language, trade, or hobby. What is your Spiritual new distance? Is it to begin a new habit of praying for a given time each morning, reading through the Bible in a year, or doing regular devotions?
Whatever challenge you take on, don't forget to take someone with you. And by all means, please tell me about it. I want to hear about your goal, process to get there and joy of going a New Distance.