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  • Nate Gernert

2024 New Distance Challenge!!!

2024 is upon us!! My how time flies. We often set goals or make new year's resolutions and next thing you know, the year is over and we have not completed what we set out to do 12 months before. We have set up a New Distance Challenge and it is not what you may be used to doing. We are challenging you to break the status quo and not just get by in life (living in the first mile of life). We are calling you to the 2nd Mile, going a new distance in three areas of your life. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. We are asking you to choose three activities/practices in each of these three pillars. We are building a community to encourage you and help hold each of us accountable. These are not things that you have been doing all along, but something new. And at least one in each category needs to be something that is a scary challenge that takes long term commitment to accomplish.

And here is the thing, we are not asking you to do this alone. All through the Bible we see the emphasis of relationships. Broken relationship in Genesis to the attempt to restore that relationship throughout the rest of Scripture. Jesus lived His life in relationship with those who followed him the closest. He did life with them. In at least one activity of each pillar you are asked to bring someone along with you. Check out all the details on the official 2024 challenge page. Join the challenge, accomplish your goals and we will reward you with a sweet jacket at the end of the year. Sort of like our Divide Jackets that many envy.

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